Optimize Your Internet To Its Full Potential

Tools You Will Need:

DAP [Download Manager]
Win7 Net Optimizer [Created by Me]

LAN Tweaking

Disable Network Task Scheduler

(LAN Browsing Speedup)

This tweak disables searching networked computers for scheduled tasks. It reduces the long wait when opening network folders. To apply this tweak, find the following key:

and delete this key:

Note: You might want to export the key before deleting, then to revert the changes, simply merge your exported reg file.
Removing the second sub-key in HKLM\.....\NameSpace that looks like: {2227A280-3AEA-1069-A2DE-08002B30309D} disables checking for network printers.

Increase Request Buffer Size
(reduce network delay)

In higher latency Network environments, delays may be encountered with the default request buffer size (4356 decimal). The range of this parameter is 1024 - 65535 bytes. Testing has shown that, in most standard Ethernet environments, 16384 (decimal) is a better choice, if memory is available. This tweak only applies to LANs, and helps with slow browsing of large directories.

To change this setting, edit:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters and Add Value name SizReqBuf as a type REG_DWORD, increase its (decimal) value to 16384 or even higher and restart the computer for changes to take effect.

Increase Network Redirector Buffers
(better network performance)

If you increase the number of network redirector buffers it may considerably increase your network throughput. Each extra execution thread that you configure will take 1K of additional nonpaged pool memory, but only if your applications actually use them.

To configure additional buffers and threads, edit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters Modify or Add Value of type REG_DWORD for:

MaxCmds=dword:00000064 - range is 0 - 255 and the default value is 15. Set to a higher number, try 64 for starters.
MaxThreads=dword:00000064 - set to the same value as MaxCmds.

MaxCollectionCount in the same key is a DWORD buffer for character-mode named pipes writes. You might want to increase it from te default 16 as well, its' range is 0 - 65535.

No shares in my My Network Places
Speed up Windows Explorer and network browsing by stopping automatic shares in "My Network Places"

By default, Windows 2k/XP/2k3 tries to read icon information from shortcuts in the "My Network Places" folder, accessing remote files on the network, and causing a very slow system response. Every time you open a file in a remote shared folder, or a file via a UNC name, Windows will automatically add another shortcut to "My Netowork Places", making the problem worse with time. To resolve this:

Navigate to:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer and add a new DWORD value:
NoRecentDocsNetHood=1 (set it to 1 to disable remote shared folders from being added to Network Places).

Depending on your OS, it might also be possible to modify this by accessing the Group Policy Object Editor. To use this method to achieve the same effect:
- Go to Start > Run > type: gpedit.msc
- In the GPOE, navigate to: User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Desktop > Enable "Do not add shares of recently opened documents to My Netowrk Places"

Internet Explorer

According to the HTTP specs, only a limited number of simultaneous connections to web servers are allowed, while loading web pages. With today's broadband connections, it is beneficial to increase the number of concurrent connections to reduce page loading time. To increase the number of concurrent connections, add the following entries to the Windows Registry (the settings are not present by default):

Navigate to Start > Run, type: regedit , find the following locations and add the DWORD values:

HKEY_USERS.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings

Notes: Keep in mind that setting those values exceed the HTTP RFC specs. Increasing the number of concurrent connections over 10 may cause problems with some websites not completely loading, or dropping/retransmitting some requests. If you experience problems, just reduce the numbers to a lower value, or remove the settings above to return to the Windows defaults (4 and 2 concurrent connections).


Pipelining requests

This setting is equivalent to the IE tweak above. It allows for more simultaneous connections to web servers. Note that the HTTP specs suggest for 4 concurrent connections. Setting this value to 10 allows for more web page components being downloaded at the same time, noticeably improving browsing. To appy the tweak, follow the simple instructions below:

1. In the address bar, type: about:config
2. Locate and change the following values (by double-clicking on them):
network.http.max-connections = 24 (default is 24)
network.http.max-connections-per-server = 10 (default is 8)
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy = 8 (default is 4)
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server = 4 (default is 2)
network.http.pipelining = true (default is false)
network.http.pipelining.maxrequests = 10 ( default is 4)
network.http.proxy.pipelining = true (default is false)

3. Optionally, you can also tweak the following settings:
content.notify.backoffcount = 5
ui.submenuDelay = 0

Note: Setting the number of connections per server to a much higher number (over ~10) can cause web servers to drop some requests, resulting in incomplete pages, increased retransmissions, etc., so it is not recommended.

Reduce Initial Page Delay

By default, Firefox waits 0.25 seconds (250ms) before beginning to draw web pages. To reduce this initial delay, do the following:

1. In the browser address bar, type: about:config
2. Anywhere in the browser window, right-click and create: NEW > String
3. Name the string: nglayout.initialpaint.delay (no spaces) and set its value to 0 (or something sensible, in milliseconds).