Recently, we were all overjoyed to learn that Facebook now allows us to download all of our information. With the click of the mouse, you can send your photos, comments and wall posts to a nice little .zip archive that can be easily downloaded to your computer – sort of. If you were a member prior to the summer of 2006, you will not be able to download your Wall posts. We all know that what goes on within your Wall is the most important stuff of all, so what gives?
As pointed out by Jason Kinkaid on TechCrunch: “While the site currently has over 500 million users, in summer 2006 the total was more like 10 million, so this only affects, at most, around 2% of the current userbase. And the Wall is the only feature that’s affected — your messages and photos are all intact regardless of when they were posted.”
The way things are handled on the back end of the site has changed many times over the years. It’s likely that Facebook simply hasn’t bothered to create the means to access these old posts seeing as how it affects so “few” people. Ten million isn’t a few, but I suppose it is in the grand scheme of things. If you scroll wayyyyyyyyy down your Wall, you’ll notice that anything prior to this time period doesn’t even begin to load – right on the site. It’s no wonder, then, that you cannot download the information.
Will we ever have this capability? It’s hard to say. If enough of us throw a fit, the powers-that-be may just listen. Stranger things have happened, right?
Oh, and have you joined the community on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube yet?
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