FaceTime Video Calls from iPhone 4 to Android, Symbian, Windows 7, Mac OS X

iMovicha (Mobile Video Chat) is a cross platform video-chat application available for iOS, Symbian, Windows Mobile, Android, Windows and OS X (it will come to BlackBerry soon as well). All platforms are covered! Its greatest feature really is its ability to video chat from smartphone-to-desktop (think iPhone 4 to Windows / OS X).

Mobile Video Chat on WiFi and 3G network Have a live video chat with your buddies on desktop and with any major smartphone with camera; voice call and Instant message with your buddies any time. iMovicha supports multiple operating systems in mobile and laptop platforms. Video call can either be mobile-to-mobile or laptop-to-mobile or laptop-to-laptop.

iMovicha key features: Video Calling, Voice Calling, IM, Presence Group Management, Contact Management, Preference Management
Chat with your buddies who are using iMovicha in other mobile devices and laptops (MAC and windows).

Users on iPhone 4 will require a jailbroken device. Follow our step by step guide posted here to jailbreak your iPhone 4 with JailbreakMe if you haven’t already. Movicha is available under Big Boss Repository on Cydia.
Movicha requires you to create an account on their official website. After which you can sign in and download software for each platform.

Here is a quick video of it in action