Twitter - an Oxymoron

I don’t know who’s working there, but it’s nothing personal. I don’t have an issue with your abilities to support the platform – but I have a massive problem with how this platform is being supported. You’re giving me access to it for free, and I’m helping fuel it for free – and that’s where the exchange ends.


That’s what I’m seeing right now, after trying to log in with valid credentials.

You’d think that using this title was a knee-jerk reaction. It’s not. This is just the most recent incident in a string of issues I’ve had with Twitter (not whale-related).

Despite filing for one early on, I still don’t have a verified account. Now, you’d imagine this wouldn’t be an issue with as many other recognizable figures in the field getting verified. People who I don’t even KNOW have been verified – so what’s the hold-up for the rest of us? I’m not an unknown quantity and have had to deal with squatters following the wrong user in the past. I’m not asking for special treatment; anybody who CAN verify themselves should be able to do so through your system.

So, you know what would be more helpful at this point (in being unable to log into Twitter)? For Twitter to automatically send me the potential points of failure to the email address I have on record. I have *NO* idea what’s tripping me up, or if it’s going to happen again. How the hell am I supposed to file THAT ticket?

Everybody knows (largely because I’ve stated it outright on several occasions) that I don’t use Twitter clients – I use the Twitter Web site directly. If I’m using a third-party Twitter tool, it’s via OAuth at this point. If another app is trying to access my account with outdated information, I’D LIKE TO KNOW WHICH ONE SO THAT I MIGHT KEEP THIS FROM HAPPENING AGAIN.

No, I’m left guessing. And waiting. And wondering.

I don’t have a direct line, I don’t need a direct line – I expect to walk through support lines like everybody else, but NOT when support has been unsupportive (for me, and certainly for others).

Why am I so upset about it? Well, how would you feel if a community service disconnected you without illuminating a clear path to help keep it from happening again? I’m guessing you wouldn’t be too thrilled about it. What if it’s someone pretending to be me, trying to access my account – I could be locked out INDEFINITELY. How the hell is that remotely cogent?!

Seriously, Twitter – you likely have more money than God at this point. Wassup?

Oh, and have you joined the community on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube yet?