Meet Mr. Android – An Example Of A Typical Android User

Mr Android !Can you imagine a world where we could create a living version of both a typical iOS and Android user then pit them against each in various tasks to find out once and for all which the is the best operating system? Yeah, that would be pretty sensational, but unfortunately it isn’t going to happen, not anytime soon anyway. The people at BlueStacks have come up with, in my opinion, is the next best thing by creating the rather odd looking ‘Mr. Android’.


By compiling research data by Nielsen, and integrating their own data from a Facebook poll, they have managed to produce a relatively humanoid looking contraption which they believe represents the average Android user. So just what characteristics does this wonderful amalgamation of statistics have? What can we learn about his locality? what device is he using? And perhaps the most important question, what type of trousers is he likely to be seen sporting in public?

First off, there is no sexism involved in this creation. Mr. Android is indeed a guy, with the highest percentage of Android users being male. Luckily for him, the statistic point to the fact that he would be the owner of a relatively normal sized head and have a decent chance of wearing glasses and having freckles. If you happen to be walking down your local high street and spot a male coming toward you with green hair, you can probably forget about asking him for advice on the latest must have Android applications, as the survey shows that there is only a 3% chance of him being an Android user. I would have hoped that the would have some unusual characteristic but he is likely to have black, average length hair and be from the United States.

So what about his fashion sense? Well it seems the typical Android user is a casual dresser, preferring the more laid back option of denim jeans and a t-shirt over the more formal shirt and dress trousers look. It’s also very unlikely you will see him sporting a pair of flip flops as he prefers the more comfortable sneakers.

One statistic which peaked my interest about Mr. Android, is his reluctance to part with any of his hard earned cash to purchase application. The figure shows that 33% of average users have no paid applications on their device whatsoever, instead opting for entirely free software. Are you an Android user? Is it like looking in a mirror?

It is worth mentioning that BlueStacks themselves acknowledge that this is produced entirely on unscientific data so don’t read to much into it.

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