New Liquipel Coating Waterproofs Your iPhone, Android Phone Without A Case

If you work in an environment where your smartphone is constantly in danger of getting water-damaged, you can either a. get yourself a heavy, rugged phone like the Motorola Defy or, starting today, b. apply a waterproof, internal coating from Liquipel!


The waterproofing technology is called Liquipel (liquid repel) and it completely waterproofs your smartphone. Instead of using a traditional, external case, Liquipel uses a a nano coating that repels water at, well, the nano level. As TUAW puts it, it acts like a wax paper that simply refuses to absorb water.

From TUAW:

Yeah, it sounds too good to be true. But that really is an iPhone in the cylinder above. Liquipel claims to make your smartphone water resistant by bonding it inside and out with a "nano" coating which repels water. While this isn’t for deep sea diving, it appears to be an ideal solution if you are clumsy or happen to be around water quite a bit.

Now, there is both good news and bad news. The good news is, it is available in the market right now and costs just $59; a small price to pay, really, when you consider the potential water damages that you may have to incur. The bad news is, you can’t just apply the nano coating yourself. You have to send in your device to Liquipel, their people apply the coating and then you get your device back within 1-2 days.

Liquipel supports the Apple iPhone 3G/3GS/4/4S, HTC EVO 4G, EVO Shift 4G, MyTouch 4G, Thunderbolt, Motorola Droid X/X2 and the Samsung Charge.

There are a couple of very important, unanswered questions though: firstly, how does Liquipel apply the coating? Is the device disassembled? Secondly, will using Liquipel on a device void its manufacturer warranty? I don’t have answers to these questions yet, so you may want to wait for the official statement before sending in your device.

Liquipel hopes to work with manufacturers directly so their coating can come pre-installed.

See Liquipel in action in the video embedded below:

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