Facebook or Twitter Account Hacked? Here’s how you can fix it.



Unless you don’t have friends on Facebook, you’d know that lots of Facebook users have become victims to a particular scam that hacks your account and posts really inappropriate images on your wall (which is totally visible to all your friends or even the public in some cases). If you are one of these victims, here’s what you have to do to get back access to your account and fix all the inconvenience that has been caused by your account to others.

1. Change Your Password



Before you do anything else, login to Facebook and change your password. Click on the arrow on the top right as show in the screen shot above and choose ‘Account Settings’. After the page is loaded, click on ‘Edit’ parallel to Password under the General tab and change the password.

P.S. If your password has been changed and you can’t login, this link should help getting back access.

2. Revoke App Permissions

One of the major reasons why Facebook accounts get hacked is providing account access to fraud apps that posts on your behalf (or like Twitter, takes you to a mock-up of the Facebook login page to get your credentials easily). To revoke app permissions, here’s what you have to do.

Revoke Apps

Go to Account Settings just like how I’ve shown in the previous step and move on to the Apps section in the settings page. Then, click on the x parallel to any app to which you’ve provided permission to in the past 7 days, unless you absolutely know that the app is legit.

3. Remove the posts

Delete the posts on your wall that wasn’t left by you. These posts are mostly filled with links and disturbing pictures and there’s a good chance of them being removed already if your friends reported to Facebook before you could check..

4. Protect Your Computer

Prevention is better than cure and making your computer smarter is always a good idea. Get yourself an account on WOT and install their browser add-on (available for Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera). This  software will alert you whenever you are visiting a site that has a bad reputation.

For Windows Users:

Ensure that you have a proper antivirus software installed and updated. If you don’t have one, I’d recommend getting either Microsoft Security Essentials or Panda Cloud Antivirus (both free for non-commercial use). A thorough scan is also recommended to ensure that the Facebook fiasco hasn’t left behind anything on your PC.

If you use Windows, turn on the Windows Updates and get the latest service pack for your version of the operating system - SP3 if you are on XP, SP2 if you are on Vista and SP1 if you are on 7 are the latest versions as of this writing.


Some of the images on Facebook were brutal with sexual imagery or animal cruelty and some of your friends might have had a difficult time stumbling upon those NSFW images in a public environment. Leave a status message apologizing for everything that has happened. Also, make them aware by sharing this article on Facebook.



Of late, many of my friends on Twitter have been sending Direct Messages to me that goes like “found this bad blog about you” and other similar lines that’s bound to intrigue anyone. Clicking on the link takes you to a site that looks exactly like Twitter’s homepage requesting your login credentials. Innocent users believe that their session has expired and provide their login details after which the sham site redirects the user to the real site as if they just logged in.

After this incident, the user’s Twitter account will start sending out Direct Messages with a similar link to others while tweeting the infectious link as well. If you see this happening to your account, here’s how to fix it and make your account secure again.

Password change_thumb[2]

This is quite obvious. Since someone knows your login details, it is highly recommended that you change your password. Click here to change it.

When setting up a new password, ensure that it isn’t a regular dictionary word and use a tool like this one to generate a strong password. Mnemonic can be very helpful in memorizing the password or if you are too lazy (like me) start using a password manager.

If your password has been changed by someone else, you can either reset the password or submit a support request stating your trouble.

You can follow me on Twitter, add me to your circle on Google+ or or like my Facebook page to keep yourself updated on all the latest.